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Rheo soundtrack & Ludum Dare Jam Surrender Message

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Ben McLean here, composer for Rheo. Apparently, Rob, our programmer, isn't gonna get his demo together in time for the Ludum Dare 24 Jam deadline. He has stated that he will try to put something of some kind out in the future. As a consolation prize, here is the soundtrack I composed for the game, which BTW unlike the game's code, was delivered on time last night.

By way of introduction, the game is supposed to be a cutesy platformer featuring a living puddle of water named Bernoulli who changes state from solid ice to liquid water to flying gaseous steam cloud and back based on temperature. I composed three different themes that would play when he is in the three different states. I was going for a happy retro sound, while not strictly adhering to any specific era, so be prepared for some ambiguously retro style musics.

In happier news, Rob's sister had a baby!

I am hoping by taking a game design course in college to be prepared to compete as a programmer in my own right in future Ludum Dare challenges, assuming they aren't based on such stupid themes as "evolution."

Question about Ludum Dare rules

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Does using a time machine count as cheating at Ludum Dare Jam?

I mean, after all, there is no limit on the number of people who can participate. Using a time machine would just be having yourself fill several roles on the team instead of just one. If Harry Potter can do it ...

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink

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Hey, I'm Ben McLean, a computer science major at UMKC, music enthusiast and participant in Ludum Dare 24 Jam.

So here is the story so far. Yesterday in my game design class, the teacher says Ludum Dare is this weekend. I don't have the game design specific programming skills to compete on my own this time but I got on IRC and starting asking around if anybody wanted a music guy on their team. This got me hooked up with Rob Chubb, our lead programmer, artist, level designer, project director and general doing-most-of-the-work guy who is making Rheo: a platformer game based on the concept of water. Or, as a lame excuse to fit within the craptarded Ludum Dare theme, the "evolution" of water: i.e. the water cycle. (Although for the record, we never thought of water before the competition started)

Enter our double hydrogened hero, Bernoulli, a cutesy sentient anthropomorphized puddle of water who is on a mission to .... star in his own platformer game. The cool thing about him is that he transforms into the different states of water based on temperature. If he gets too cold then he'll freeze into an ice cube, which will be another mode of play and if he gets too hot then he will boil into being a cloud of steam which can fly!!

It's my job to come up with some awesome tunes that sound like happy water and don't sound too much like they were blatantly copied off of Mario or Zelda. Subscribe to this blog if you're thirsty to follow the development news for our game! :D

Speaking of thirst, an early idea I had which got scrapped is, I think, too hilarious to not at least mention: my idea was that Bernoulli would have to avoid cute thirsty puppies who would be running around barking and trying to drink him! LOL!

Hello World!

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Hello World!

Last night at 9pm est I finished the project setup and started to work on the core concept.
Early concept ideas with procedural level generation, 
But since then we've scraped the idea of  procedural level generation and we are working on a new level system.